Spinal Cord Injuries Our Team Can Stand Up for You

Charleston Spinal Cord Injury Attorney

Fighting for Neck, Back & Spine Injury Victims

Spinal cord injuries (SCIs) are severe and life-changing. Damage to the spinal cord can cause partial or complete paralysis, as well as a range of other serious health problems. If you have suffered a spinal cord injury or have lost a loved one to wrongful death due to spinal trauma, you should get a knowledgeable and experienced attorney on your side who can help you understand your legal options, which might include filing a claim or lawsuit against any liable parties in pursuit of justice and compensation.

At CR Legal Team, we have handled numerous spine injury cases throughout our decades of collective legal experience. Our Charleston spine injury attorneys have a proven track record of success, having recovered millions of dollars for our clients. We know the law, and we know how to win. When you choose us, you get a team of dedicated and skilled professionals who will provide you with the personalized and aggressive representation you need to pursue the most favorable outcome in your case.

Call (866) 691-0607 or contact us online for a FREE consultation. Our spinal cord injury attorneys proudly serve victims and families across Charleston County and beyond.

What Are Spinal Cord Injuries?

Spinal cord injuries (SCIs) are injuries that affect vertebrae and tissue in the spine. Damage to these vital structures can result in damage to nerve cells that transmit signals between the brain and various parts of the body, causing them to lose their ability to function partially or completely.

Given the importance of the spinal cord and spinal nerves, spinal cord injuries have immense potential to result in life-altering consequences, as well as considerable pain and suffering, lengthy recoveries, painful rehabilitation, and lasting limitations or disability.

However, there is variance in how a spinal cord injury affects a person’s movement and ability to function. The nature and severity of damage to the spinal cord, for example, can greatly impact outcomes, as can where along the spine an injury occurs. For example:

  • Injuries to the neck/head region above shoulder (cervical spine) make for the the most severe spinal cord injuries. Damage to the cervical spin can result in quadriplegia or tetraplegia and partial or complete loss of function from the neck down.
  • Injuries to the upper chest/mid-back (thoracic spine) can result in sensory and motor function loss below the point of injury (quadriplegia).
  • Injury to the lowest portion of spinal cord (lumbar spine) does not typically affect upper body movement but can cause loss of function in the legs and hips.
  • Injury to the sacrum (sacral spine) can result in loss of function in various nearby organs, such as the bowel, bladder, and sex organs.

Common Types of Spinal Cord Injuries

A spinal cord injury refers to damage to the spinal cord that often results in a loss of function, sensation, or mobility. The spinal cord is a bundle of nerves that runs down the length of the spine. It serves as the main pathway for transmitting messages between the brain and the rest of the body. When the spinal cord is injured, it can disrupt the flow of information, leading to a variety of physical impairments.

The two main types of spinal cord injuries are:

  • Complete spinal cord injury: In a complete spinal cord injury, there is a total loss of sensation and motor function below the level of the injury, so the individual has no movement or feeling in the parts of the body below the injury site.
  • Incomplete spinal cord injury: In an incomplete injury, some function remains below the level of the injury. The degree of impairment can vary widely, ranging from minimal weakness or numbness to significant motor and sensory deficits.

Incomplete spinal cord injuries can take many forms, such as:

  • Anterior cord syndrome: Damage to the front portion of the spinal cord, resulting in loss of motor function and sensation to pain and temperature, while preserving some sensation to touch, position, and vibration.
  • Posterior cord syndrome: Rare type of injury characterized by damage to the back portion of the spinal cord, leading to loss of proprioception (sense of body position) and fine touch sensation while preserving motor function and pain sensation.
  • Central cord syndrome: Typically caused by injury to the center of the spinal cord, often associated with hyperextension injuries in older adults. It results in more severe impairment of the upper limbs compared to the lower limbs, with varying degrees of sensory and motor deficits.
  • Brown-Séquard syndrome: Caused by damage to one side of the spinal cord, leading to weakness or paralysis on the same side as the injury and loss of pain and temperature sensation on the opposite side.
  • Conus medullaris syndrome: Injury to the lower portion of the spinal cord, affecting the lumbar and sacral nerve roots. It can result in flaccid paralysis, loss of bowel and bladder control, and sexual dysfunction.
  • Cauda equina syndrome: Damage to the bundle of nerves below the end of the spinal cord (cauda equina), often due to trauma or compression. It can cause weakness or paralysis of the legs, loss of sensation in the saddle area, bowel and bladder dysfunction, and sexual dysfunction.

Common Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries can occur in a variety of ways. In some cases, they are the result of accidents that are no one's fault. However, in many cases, spinal cord injuries are the result of someone else's negligence. When this is the case, the injured person or their family should explore their legal options to pursue compensation that could be owed to them by the negligent party.

Our Charleston spine injury lawyers handle all types of spinal cord injury cases, including those that involve:

Pursuing a Personal Injury Claim After a Spinal Cord Injury

Spinal cord injuries typically result from some form of trauma to the neck or back. This includes trauma sustained in a variety of accidents and incidents caused by the negligence of someone else.

Fortunately, South Carolina law recognizes the need to hold negligent individuals and entities accountable when they cause preventable harm and losses and allows spinal cord injury victims to pursue personal injury claims against those they allege to be at fault.

As claims brought in civil court, personal injury lawsuits allege that the negligence of a defendant (or multiple defendants) more likely than not caused their spinal cord injury, and that those defendants should be held liable (financially responsible) for the resulting losses. Of course, plaintiffs who bring these claims must be able to prove them with supporting evidence.

There are many ways that negligence can result in spinal cord injuries. Some examples of situations where spinal cord injury victims may have grounds for legal action include:

  • Motorcycle accidents, bicycle accidents, or car accidents caused by negligent drivers.
  • Trucking accidents resulting from regulatory violations.
  • Construction accidents caused by a negligent third party (i.e. a subcontractor).
  • Premises accidents (such as a slip and fall) resulting from hazardous property conditions.
  • Injuries caused by defective products.
  • Medical malpractice during a surgical procedure or another form of treatment.

Determining when a person or entity can be held liable depends on the specific facts of a case, as well as a victim’s ability to gather evidence and conduct necessary investigations into the accident, resulting injury, and availability of sufficient insurance coverage.

At CR Legal Team, our award-winning Charleston spinal cord injury lawyers leverage more than 30 years of experience to help catastrophically injured clients identify when they have viable claims, who they can potentially hold liable, and how we can work to pursue the maximum financial compensation possible.

How is a Spinal Cord Injury Treated?

Spinal cord injuries are considered medical emergencies. If you suspect that you or someone else has suffered a back or neck injury, you should call 911 immediately. Moving the injured person or failing to immobilize their head and neck can cause serious and permanent damage. First responders will know how to safely move a person with a spinal cord injury and transport them to an emergency medical care facility.

Once a person with a spinal cord injury has been stabilized, they will likely need to undergo extensive treatment and rehabilitation. The goal of treatment is to help the injured person regain as much mobility and independence as possible. The extent of the recovery will depend on the severity of the injury and the level of the spine where the injury occurred.

Some of the most common treatments for spinal cord injuries include:

  • Immobilization: Some doctors may recommend that victims wear neck braces or use backboards and other devices to immobilize the spine. This may be appropriate in cases where some recovery is possible, as it can help prevent further damage to the spinal cord.
  • Surgery: In some cases, spinal cord injuries may require surgery. For example, if you have suffered a spinal cord injury because of a broken bone or a herniated disc, your doctor may recommend surgery to repair the damage and improve function.
  • Medications: Various medications can be used to manage the symptoms of spinal cord injuries. For example, your doctor may prescribe medications to help relieve pain, reduce inflammation, prevent blood clots, or relax muscle spasms.
  • Traction: Traction involves applying a pulling force to the head or feet to stabilize the spine and align the bones.
  • Respiratory support: Depending on the level of the injury, a person with a spinal cord injury may need to be placed on a ventilator or other device to help them breathe.
  • Rehabilitation: After a spinal cord injury, you may need to undergo rehabilitation. This can include physical therapy, occupational therapy, and/or vocational therapy. Rehabilitation can help you regain strength, improve your mobility, and learn how to perform everyday tasks with your new limitations.
  • Assistive devices: There are many assistive devices available that help victims perform everyday tasks with new limitations. This can include walkers, wheelchairs, canes, crutches, and other mobility devices, as well as adaptive equipment designed for specific tasks such as eating, bathing, and dressing.
  • Home modifications: Victims with spinal cord injuries may require modifications to their homes and vehicles to accommodate their new limitations. Some examples include ramps, grab bars, and handrails that provide extra support and easier access, and accommodations to vehicles that allow for hand-controlled driving or wheelchair access.

Spinal cord injury treatment can be extremely expensive. Many people with spinal cord injuries require lifelong care and support. If your injury was caused by someone else's negligence, you should not have to bear the financial burden of your injuries on your own. You may be entitled to compensation for all your medical expenses, including the cost of treatment, medication, assistive devices, and home modifications, as well as your lost wages, loss of earning capacity, pain and suffering, and more.

Common Symptoms of a Spinal Cord Injury

Spinal cord injuries can cause a wide range of symptoms, depending on the location and severity of the injury. In most cases, the symptoms of a spinal cord injury will occur below the level of the injury. For example, if the injury is in the neck, the person may lose movement and sensation in all four limbs. If the injury is in the lower back, the person may lose movement and sensation in their legs but not their arms.

Common symptoms of a spinal cord injury include:

  • Loss of movement
  • Loss of sensation
  • Loss of bowel or bladder control
  • Exaggerated reflexes
  • Spasms
  • Changes in sexual function
  • Difficulty breathing, coughing, or clearing secretions from the lungs
  • Pain or an intense stinging sensation
  • Difficulty walking or balancing

Not all symptoms of a spinal cord injury will occur immediately. Some symptoms may take hours, days, or even weeks to appear, so it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible after any accident or injury that may have caused a spinal cord injury, even if you do not think you are injured. A doctor can perform a thorough examination and order the necessary tests to determine if you have suffered a spinal cord injury.

Compensation in Spinal Cord Injury Lawsuits

In the field of personal injury law, spinal cord injuries are referred to as catastrophic injuries because they have a greater potential for severe and life-altering repercussions than the injuries sustained by most personal injury plaintiffs. This includes not only physical pain and disability but also the incalculable emotional suffering endured by victims and their loved ones. Importantly, it also includes medical expenses related to both treatments victims have already received and ongoing costs they’re likely to incur well beyond the conclusion of their claims.

By filing a personal injury action with the help of an attorney, spinal cord injury victims and their families can work to recover compensation for these losses. Some examples of recoverable damages in spinal cord injury cases include:

  • Economic Damages account for financial losses that have a specific monetary value attached to them. These typically include:
    • Medical Expenses: Immediate and ongoing medical costs, including hospital stays, surgeries, medication, and rehabilitation.
    • Lost Income: Compensation for wages lost due to injury-related work absences, including potential future earnings if the victim can no longer work or must work in a reduced capacity.
    • Future Care Needs: Cost projections for long-term care requirements, from home modifications to ongoing medical treatments and personal care assistance.
  • Non-Economic Damages may not have a direct financial impact or easy-to-calculate sum but are just as critical. Examples include:
    • Pain and Suffering: Compensation for physical pain and discomfort endured both immediately following the injury and expected in the future.
    • Loss of Enjoyment of Life: Losses related to the inability to participate in hobbies or other activities previously enjoyed.
    • Emotional Distress: Recognition of the psychological impact of the injury, including anxiety, depression, and trauma.
    • Emotional Injuries of Family Members: Emotional damages suffered by victims’ family members are also compensable. These include loss of emotional support and loss of consortium (companionship).
  • Punitive Damages are special damages awarded only in limited cases where the defendant's actions were especially egregious. Unlike compensatory damages, which aim to restore the victim's financial state, punitive damages are designed to punish the wrongdoer and deter similar conduct in the future.

Calculating damages in a spinal cord injury case is a complex process that often requires the expertise of medical professionals, economists, and vocational experts. These experts help forecast the costs of lifetime care, the impact on earning capacity, and the overall financial burden an injury places on the victim and their family and provide vital testimony that allows victims and their attorneys to seek a full financial recovery.

Call For a FREE Consultation: (866) 691-0607

For those grappling with the repercussions of a spinal cord injury, a lawsuit can offer a pathway to financial security and the support necessary for recovery and adaptation. Fortunately, you don’t have to navigate this legal journey alone; our award-winning lawyers at CR Legal Team can help.

Backed by over 30 years of experience and extensive resources, we’ve recovered millions of dollars in compensation for the seriously injured. If you have questions about a claim anywhere in South Carolina, our Charleston spinal cord injury attorneys are available 24/7 to discuss your options.

Give us a call at (866) 691-0607 or complete an online consultation form.

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