CR Employee Wellness
The CR Employee Wellness (C.R.E.W.) Program was established in the spring of 2013 in order to help our employees improve and balance different aspects of their lives. Our C.R.E.W. employee initiatives focus on the occupational, physical, emotional, spiritual, social, and environmental well-being of everyone at the firm. The program is voluntary and is virtually unprecedented in organizations of our size. It’s just one of the many reasons why CR Legal Teamwas recognized as a finalist in the Triad Business Journal’s 2014 Healthiest Employers awards.

C.R.E.W. Employee Benefits & Programs
C.R.E.W. continues to expand programs and offerings each year in an effort to Stand Up For our employees in the same way CR Legal Team Stands Up For it's clients and the community.-
Fitness Incentives
C.R.E.W. sponsors employees and teams who wish to participate in 5K, 10K, half-marathon, marathon, and MudBug races that benefit organizations in the community.
Cooking With C.R.E.W.
Employees get to learn from their peers, aka “celebrity” chefs, tips and recipes of their own that are heart healthy. Everyone gets to try the food and receives copies of the recipes.
Wellness Watchers
C.R.E.W. introduced Wellness Watchers this Spring where almost 40 employees were involved in weekly meetings where we talked about food, fitness, stress & sleep.
Employee Cafe/ Lounge
The employee café and lounge in our Greensboro office offers healthy food alternatives, free apples, and a game area for employees.
Weekly Wellness Tips
Every week, a tip regarding wellness that addresses stress, meditation, fitness and healthy nutrition goes out.
Lunch & Learn Events
Each month, C.R.E.W. offers lunch and learn webinars, presentations, and programs on a variety of health-related topics.
Flu Vaccinations
Every Fall, C.R.E.W. offers flu shot clinics for employees and their family members.
We Stand for Community & Each Other
Photos from the CR Legal TeamEmployee Wellness Program
Our Brand Promise
We Stand Up For You-
We Care Like Family
At CR Legal Team, we care for our clients, our communities and our fellow employees as if they were members of our own families. We remain 100% vested in the health, wellness and happiness of each individual as we understand that we are stronger and better when we are moving forward together.
We Listen To Learn
At CR Legal Team, we believe that as long as we live, we should be learning and seeking to understand. We welcome and celebrate diversity of thought and action within our organization and among our community partners. We understand that true growth comes when we are willing to open our minds to new possibilities.
We Do What’s Right
At CR Legal Team, we Stand Up for justice for all people and we remain fierce and loyal advocates for those who cannot always speak for themselves. As our client, our community partner or employee, we have made a commitment to Stand Up For You and that is a promise we take seriously.